
A pregnancy process is a moment that’s very awaited by Mama and Papa. Parents want their children to be born in a healthy and safe condition, whichever gender they are. However, it often happens that parents want a child of a certain gender, whether it’s a boy or a girl. Roughly, is there any way to increase the chance of getting pregnant a baby girl?

Actually, no one has really known for sure about how to determine the baby’s gender inside the womb. But, as quoted from Dktindonesia, a baby’s gender is determined by a chromosome in the sperms that fertilize the ovum cell. For a baby girl, the chromosome that plays a role is the X chromosome, whose characteristics are moving slowly, having a longer life span, and liking an acidic environment. So, if Mama and Papa want to have a baby girl, these tips can be tried.  

Tips on How to Get Pregnant with a Girl

1.      Having Sex 2-3 Days Before the Ovulation

Quoted from The Embryo Project Encyclopedia, the X chromosome in the sperm cells that plays a role as a carrier to carry a girl’s trait has a characteristic which is a slow movement to arrive at the ovum cell. Having sex is better done before the ovulation, so the Y chromosome that’s more likely unable to survive in an acidic condition in the uterus can die and there will remain the X chromosome that can fertilize the ovum cell when the ovulation happens.  

2.      Holding Back Orgasm When Having Sex

Holding back orgasm can be a way to get pregnant with a baby girl, Mam. When you reach orgasm, the contraction will happen which causes the cervix to enter inside the vagina so it eases the sperm to enter and go to the ovum cell, especially for the Y chromosome that indeed has a fast movement. This will make the X chromosome lose to arrive at the ovum cell first. Furthermore, orgasm triggers a liquid production that has a base characteristic so it decreases the life opportunity for the X chromosome. 

3.      Warm Bathing Before Having Sex

The Y chromosome, as a carrier to carry a boy’s trait, has a characteristic that cannot stand the heat. When Mama and Papa soak in hot water, the body temperature will also increase. This method is expected to decrease the life opportunity of the Y chromosome that’s unable to stand the heat when entering Mama’s body. The decrease of the Y chromosome that survives enlarges the chance for the X chromosome to fertilize the ovum cell, so this method can be an alternative way to get pregnant with a girl. 

4.      Changing the Food Consumption

Mama can consume food that can increase the acidity level in the vagina. One of the X chromosome characteristics is that it loves an acidic environment, so the increase of acidity in the vagina area can extend the X chromosome’s lifespan. This method is expected to enlarge the chance of getting pregnant with a baby girl. Quoted from Mumtastic, the increase of food that has an acidic characteristic in Mama’s daily consumption routine is one of the effective ways to get pregnant with a baby girl. The type of food consists of lemon, meat, chicken, cheese, yogurt, pasta, rice, and nuts.  

5.      Avoiding Food that Contains Caffeine 

The next way to get pregnant with a girl, quoted from Huggies, based on the Shettles research, caffeine in coffee can cause the Y chromosome to move more actively so it can decrease the chance of the X chromosome arriving at the ovum cell preceding the X chromosome. This method can decrease the chance for Mama to get pregnant with a girl. Therefore, if you want to enlarge the chance of getting pregnant with a girl, both Mama and Papa can lessen caffeine consumption.

How is it, Mam? Feel more enlightened, right? Which tips will Mama try to increase the chance of getting pregnant with a baby girl?

Writer: Khoirunnisa Purwamita

Translator: Ivana Meyi

Editor: Mega Pratidina

Sources :


Blight, Alysse. 2019. The Shettles Method of Sex Selection. Embryo Project Encyclopedia. ISSN: 1940-5030 https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/shettles-method-sex-selection


