MamaBear AlmonMix + Sweet Leave + Moringa Leave (Caramel Flavour)
$ 2.92
✅ SUPERFOOD, increasing breastmilk production & nutrition
✅ BREASTMILK is faster comes out after delivery
✅ VIT A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, Iron, Zinc
✅ SOURCE of CALCIUM for bone density during breastfeeding
Another primacy :
🏅 Brand Choice 2022
⭐ Guranteed in quality & equal to Food Safety Standard
– BPOM MD : 867013019799
– HALAL MUI : ID35210000000890220
⭐ Delicious flavour & satiate
⭐ The Individual sachet is practical & hygienist
⭐ Safe to consume by pregnant &/breastfeeding mother, children, adult, & elderly people.
Hi Mama,
Welcome to MamaBear Official Stor. MamaBear ready to accompany you 😊
MamaBear AlmonMix + Sweet Leave + Moringa Leave (Caramel Flavour)
Giving all the goodness for Mama during breastfeeding with:
✅ SUPERFOOD, increasing breastmilk production & nutrition
✅ BREASTMILK is faster comes out after delivery
✅ VIT A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, Iron, Zinc
✅ SOURCE of CALCIUM for bone density during breastfeeding
Another primacy :
🏅 Brand Choice 2022
⭐ Guranteed in quality & equal to Food Safety Standard
– BPOM MD : 867013019799
– HALAL MUI : ID35210000000890220
⭐ Delicious flavour & satiate
⭐ The Individual sachet is practical & hygienist
⭐ Safe to consume by pregnant &/breastfeeding mother, children, adult, & elderly people.
HOW TO CONSUME (1 box contain 6 sachet x @30gr (180gr)):
– Brew 1 sachet Almon Mix with 200 ml warm water
– You can add ice if want to serve it cold
*Contain cow milk derivative products
Consume 3x a day for inf=creasing breastmilk production & nutrition
Ordering notes:
– Sending products estimation 3-4 working days
– So that we can send the package right as your order, if you want to change the flavour, PLEASE KINDLY WRITE IT ON NOTES before checkout.
– If the order has been checked out, receiver address can not be changed.
(If there is a wrong receiver address during input, you can cancel the order first, then reorder)
*Read the label before you buy
If there is complain on your side, please kindly recheck terms & conditions in Shop BANNER
Mark that you give is very valuable for us,
If there is problem in receiving the package, please chat our admin IMMEDIATELY to solve the problem.
Let’s share your breastfeeding journey and obstacle on Free Consultation.
MamaBear is ready to help you.
Check out MamaBear product now untuk for increasing breastmilk production & nutrition, Mam.. 🥰
#ASIbooster #nutrisibusui #ASIlancar #mamaeping #asiboosterterbaik
Weight | 0.15 kg |
Produk apa yang paling cocok untuk saya?
Cocok - Cocok an Mam tiap orang beda2. Ada yang cocok sama tehnya ada yang lebih cocok sama SoyaMixnya ada juga yang lebih cocok sama cookiesnya. Ibaratnya kalau sakit kepala saya cocoknya minum P*r*mex, tapi bisa jadi pan*d*l lebih cocok di Mam. 🙂
Dan tergantung kebutuhan juga, untuk teh dan soya lebih memperbanyak dan mempercepat produksi ASI, sedangkan cookies dan soya lebih untuk meningkat kualitas ASI agar lebih kental. Kalau boleh saran di coba dulu aja Mam masing2 1 per produk, rata2 cocok semua Mam dan ASInya lebih maksimal bila konsumsi produknya dikombinasikan.
Berapa lama terlihat efek dan khasiatnya ?
Efek terlihat pada setiap individu bervariasi Mam, tergantung oleh tingkat stress, hormon menyusui (prolaktin dan oksitosin) dan kelenjar susunya Mam, ada yang baru minum 1 hari sudah kelihatan efeknya (produksi ASI lebih cepat dan banyak) ada yang rutin 1 minggu baru kelihatan hasilnya 🙂
Produk apa yang boleh dikosumsi oleh Ibu hamil ?
Untuk Ibu hamil bisa konsumsi produk Kukis Almond Oatmeal, dapat membantu mempersiapkan jaringan kelenjar ASI nya agar nanti setelah lahiran bisa lebih cepat keluar ASI nya 🙂
Bagaimana cara mengkonsumsi ketiga produk secara bersamaan?
Konsumsinya bisa diselingi saja, misal paginya zoyamix sebagai makan pagi,
setelah makan siang nge-teh,
Snack sore juga nge-teh / Zoyamix.
Malam setelah makan nge-teh.
Snack tengah malam / subuh2 setelah pumping Zoyamix.
Kukisnya bisa di cemil kapan saja.
Busui membutuhkan kalori lebih tinggi, cemilan2 berfaedah seperti Kukis Almond Oat dan zoyaMix selain sebagai pengganjal sekaligus membantu melancarkan ASI 🙂- Estimasi pengiriman produk 3-4 hari kerja
- Bila ingin ganti varian rasa maka bisa pilih pada menu variasi
- Bila pemesanan sudah di checkout maka tidak bisa ganti alamat. (Apabila ada kesalahan input alamat, maka bisa dibatalkan dulu pemesanan sebelumnya lalu bisa order
Which product will suits me best?
Depends on the person, Moms. There are people who are more suited to our tea, some others suits the ZoyaMix more, and the rest might like the cookies best. 🙂
It also depends on your needs, tea and ZoyaMix helps to boost quantity of breast milk and helps to make the production of breast milk faster. While the cookies and Zoya helps to improves milk quality to be thicker. We recommend to try each of them. Most people feel the benefit of these products and breast milk production becomes better if they consume combination of these products.
How long does it take for its effect to show?
The effects will vary with each individual, Mom. Depending on stress level, breast feeding hormones (prolactin and oxytocin) and breast milk gland Mom. There are also people who had only drink it for a day and it already shows (faster and more breast milk production) and there are also people who felt the effect only after a week of consuming our products.
Which products are safe to be consumed by pregnant mothers?
For pregnant mothers, it is best to consume Almond Oatmeal Cookies. This can help to prepare breast milk gland tissues so that breast milk could be produced faster after giving birth 🙂
How to consume these products together?
Can be consumed alternatively, for example: Consume Zoyamix in the morning,
tea after lunch,
Tea / Zoyamix as afternoon snack,
Tea after dinner,
Zoyamix as midnight/dusk snack after pumping,
Cookies can be eaten anytime.
Breastfeeding mothers need more calories, snacks with high calories and nutrition such as Almond Oatmeal Cookies and Zoyamix helps to boost breast milk production as well as tasty snacks 🙂- Shipping estimated to take 3 – 4 working days.
- If you want to change flavor variant, choose in variant menu.
- BAddress cannot be changed after checkout. (If there are mistakes during address input, you can cancel the order first then re-order).