Does Mama often hear the term baby blues syndrome? Baby blues usually occur after Mama gives birth. This syndrome makes sufferers experience mood swings, often cry, worry, and even have sleeping trouble. But Mama needs to know, the baby blues are not the only disorders that Mama might be facing after giving birth.
In some cases, Mama may also experience a more severe and lasting form of depression known as postpartum depression. If the baby blues last for more than 2 weeks, this is the beginning of postpartum depression. In a study conducted by Arimurti et al, Mama had a 5.8 times chance of experiencing postpartum depression.
But postpartum depression can be cured with proper treatment and assistance for Mama who experience it. It’s not an instant process, it takes a long time, but there is still a great chance to be normal and healthy again.
Definition of Postpartum Depression
Reporting from Hello Sehat, Postpartum Depression is a mental health problem after giving birth that affects Mama’s behavior and physical health. This depression can appear from pregnancy to a year after the baby’s birth. Having postpartum depression can also affect the ability to take care of your baby, Ma. Mama is encouraged to live a healthy life with enough rest, manage stress well, have beneficial activities, socialize with positive people, and still make time for yourself to prevent postpartum depression.
Factors and Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

Mama need to know the appearance of postpartum depression is influenced by several factors, including:
- Physical changes.
After childbirth, there are enormous hormonal changes in a woman’s body, especially the estrogen and progesterone hormones. Besides, the hormones produced by the thyroid also change as a result of adjustment of those changes. This thyroid hormone plays a role in providing mood changes after childbirth.
- Psychological problems.
Having a baby, especially for the first time, often causes Mama to become anxious and insecure about her ability to take care of a newborn baby. Feelings like this for a long time can cause Mama to get depressed. In addition, adapting to this new family member, as well as the early moments of learning to breastfeed are also not easy things. This increases the possibility of stress, lack of self-confidence, and leads to postpartum depression.
Symptoms of postpartum depression are not different from symptoms of depression in general. The difference is the time of appearance. There are several symptoms that need special attention, which can indicate postpartum depression, including:
- Struggle to sleep
- Changes in appetite
- Feel guilty
- Worry
- Difficulty in taking care of the baby
- Uncontrolled crying for long periods of time and for no apparent reason
- Decreased concentration
- Thoughts of hurting yourself or the baby
How to Overcome Postpartum Depression

Handling postpartum depression can be done through psychotherapy or using drugs, or even both.
- Psychotherapy. This therapy trains the way thoughts, feelings, and behaviors work together in a person. This therapy also trains important skills, such as problem solving, realistic thinking, dealing with stress, relaxation, how to manage relationships with other people and encouraging a person to be able to adapt to a new role (in this case as a new parent).
- Antidepressant drugs. Antidepressant drugs can be given by a doctor if needed. Although it can get into breast milk, don’t worry, most antidepressant drugs do not cause side effects for the baby, Ma.
- Having support from the surrounding environment or from other people with similar problems through a support group or community will really help Mama to overcome the depression. Mainly, support from the closest people such as Papa, parents and or in-laws.
What if Mama experiences postpartum depression?
Be strong, hang in there, Ma..
This doesn’t make Mama a bad mother. Instead, Mama needs help. Ask for help from those closest to Mama to do the housework or handle the baby. Consult a doctor or psychologist if Mama thinks Mama is experiencing postpartum depression. The sooner it is handled, the sooner Mama will be happy again.
Happy mama, raising happy kids. The journey of becoming a mother is not flawless, however be assured that Mama’s love means a lot to your baby.
Mama can join the MamaBear Family community on Instagram @mamabearid. Mama also gets info and tips about breast milk and breastfeeding there.
Penulis: Dinda Aisya
Translator: Dhivanty Maulidina
Editor: Mega Pratidina
Arimurti et al. Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Depresi Postpartum di Kabupaten Bogor Tahun 2019. Muhammadiyah Public Health Journal.4(2), 29-37. 2020;4(2):29–37. [https://jurnal.umj.ac.id/index.php/MPHJ/article/download/7019/4509]
Ghaedrahmati M, Kazemi A, Kheirabadi G, Ebrahimi A, Bahrami M. Postpartum depression risk factors: A narrative review. J. Educ. Health Promot. 2017;6:60. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28852652]