
Has Mama ever been hesitant when it comes to choose the best food during pregnancy? No more worries! Mama can check some food recommendations to eat during pregnancy below…

6 Recommended Foods to Mama Eat During Pregnancy

  1. Some Carbohydrates Sources

One of the recommended foods to eat during pregnancy is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates perform to meet the energy needs of Mama and their growing fetus. There are various carbohydrates sources around us, such as rice, grain, red rice, oatmeal, and pasta. Whole grain also contains other nutritions such as, vitamin E, and selenium which are good for the baby’s growth and development during pregnancy. Aside from that, there are also tubers which also taste as great as other carb sources, such as cassava, sweet potato, potato, and taro.

  1. Various Vegetables 

During pregnancy, Mama needs to eat diversly everyday in order to gain various vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and cabbage contain lots of folate acid which help baby’s brain cell development. Besides, green vegetables also consist of vitamins A, C and K which help maintain healthy eyes, body natural defenses, and prevent birth defects. That is why it is highly recommended for Mama to consume it during pregnancy.

Also, different colour of each vegetable bring different nutrition too. Hence, having vegetables with various colors help to meet Mama and the fetus’ nutrition needs.

  1. Various Fruits

There are some fruits which Mama recommended to eat during pregnancy, such as banana, mango, and avocado.

Bananas contain fiber and calories to boost our energy. Mango contains potassium, Vitamin C, and vitamin A. 

Vitamin A in mango acts as an antioxidant and helps maintain the body’s immune, baby’s visual system, as well as their nervous system. As for avocado, it contains vitamin B, vitamin C, folate acid, and potassium. Aside from those fruits, watermelon, melon, orange, strawberry, and apple are fruits that can be a good choice too to eat during pregnancy.

But there is also a fruit which Mama should consume less during pregnancy, that is pineapple. According to a Halodoc page, even though there is no research that proves pineapple causes misscariage yet, this fruit contains bromelain enzymes which can trigger contraction. 

Even so, there is only a little amount of these enzymes in one pineapple. To trigger a strong contraction, it needs at least 8 pineapples. This means that pineapple consumed in a small amount is not dangerous for pregnancy. 

  1. Protein

Protein helps the process of Mama and their baby’s body tissue forming and boosts the body’s natural defenses so that Mama wouldn’t get sick easily. Since protein has numerous benefits, it made them become one of the foods that Mama should eat during pregnancy. Types of protein which Mama can eat are lean meat, fish, egg, poultry, tempe, tofu, and mushroom.

  1. Milk and Dairy Products

Milk and dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt are also recommended to eat during pregnancy. Milk has calcium which is good for baby’s bone tissue forming and to keep Mama’s bone healthy. Besides, milk can also help Mama meet her body fluid needs.

  1. Nuts

Another recommended food to eat during pregnancy is nuts. Nuts can help Mama to meet their fiber needs as well as improving their digestive system during pregnancy. Adequate fiber intake during pregnancy will reduce the risk of constipation (difficulty in defecations) and hemorrhoids. Also, nuts are rich in calcium, folate, iron, and zinc. 

Mama can consume various nust such as peanuts, soybeans, almonds, cashews, walnuts, and pistachios.

Wow, turns out there are plenty of food choices Mama can eat during pregnancy. Aside from having healthy foods, it is also good for Mama to balance it with routine exercise and relieve your stress. So, what’s Mama’s  favorite food? 

Penulis: Fathiya Rahmah

Editor: Mega Pratidina

Translator: Aning Salsabila



